Present Simple/ простое настоящее/.
Сен 08

Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям (вопросительное слово дано в скобках ).
- Sally feels tired / Why?/
- They want to buy some presents for their friends /Where?/
- My Daddy wants to catch the 6 o’clock train / Why?/
- Edward prefers to have lunch in the canteen / Why?/
- Every evening Peter walks his dog /Where?/
- As a rule I get up early every morning / Why?/
- Snow melts in spring /Why?/
- We want to have a bite /Where?/
- He studies English in London / Where?/
- I hate loud and noisy music / Why?/
- Usually Ann helps her little brother with mathematics / How?/
- The Browns always go to the seaside in summer / Where?/
- Tom wears his old slippers at home / Where?/
- Sometimes I drink tea for breakfast /Why?/
- Jane plays the piano every evening / When?/
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