Задание седьмое, предпоследнее
Ноя 11

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в форму множественного числа.
1. This is my foot.
2. That lady doesn’t play the piano.
3. This child is watching the leaf falling on the grass.
4. Is this mountain high? — Yes, it is.
5. There is a knife on the kitchen-table.
6. This bird is in that tree.
7. That wolf has eaten a sheep.
8. There was a desert here.
9. Is there a calendar in this room?
10. That sandwich is not on that plate.
11. Where is a child? — The child is in the yard.
12. Is this goose big or small? — It is big.
13. Was there a leaf on the ground?
14. That boy was playing football.
15. Where is the book? — The book is on the shelf.
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